Side Hustle Data Analytics An Analysis On The Global Suicide Rate From 1985 - 2016 INTRODUCTION

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Suicidal decision is a major mental health and phycological decision .A main contributor to the decrease in population are deaths related to mental health . I was tasked with a project on global Suicide rate insight analysis by Side Hustle Bootcamp.A dataset was worked on giving a global Suicide rate

suicide is simply death caused by self-directed injurious behavior with intent to die as a result of the behavior.A suicide attempt is a non-fatal, self-directed, potentially injurious behavior with intent to die as a result of the behavior. A suicide attempt might not result in Injury, In a 2018 review article by John Billsen, it is said that suicide occurs more often in older than in younger people, but can still be one of the major causes of death in childhood and adolescence globally these does not only results in the loss of many young lives, it also has disruptive psychosocial and adverse socio-economic effects.these project was to create a clear visualization reveling the effect of the economic cycle on suicide rate.

These project went through some process of data collection, data scraping,cleaning and visualization

Tools used for the process includes google, Microsoft Excel and Power BI Desktop.

Process involved includes

• Data scraping/sourcing

• Data cleaning

Data visualization

Data Scraping/sourcing: Data was sourced from considering the data requirements given

Data Visualization: Having transformed and loaded the datasets from Power query to Power BI, we proceeded to visualize the datasets on the dashboards.

• Total Suicide Rate

• Suicide Rate by country

• Suicide Rate and Gdp per capital by country

• Suicide By Age

• Suicide Rate By Year

• Suicide Rate By generation

• suicide rate by population and country


Recommendation and conclusion with regards to Global Suicide Rate Analysis:

From the bar chart showing the Suicide rate by country, we noticed that the united States has the highest suicide death among the top 5 countries displayed. We

They should endeavor to implement suicide prevention methods such as provision of hot lines and create more counseling therapyThe funnel chart shows suicide rate by generation shows that boomers are the highest. The pie chart showing the Suicide rate population and by country clearly shows that united States has the highest suicide rate and Gdp capital compared to other countries. The clustered bar chart representing Suicide number by age and sex shows that people within the age range of 35-54 and female are at a higher risk of committing Suicide. This could be as a result of various factor. We recommend that Suicide preventing tools should be targeted toward the above mentioned age group. Provision of mental health safe space should be provided as well as midlife crisis help centers.From the line chart showing the Suicide rate by GDP per capita l and country, we clearly see a steady increase and decrease which Uzbekistan is the highest suicide rate. We recommend a continuous wide spread campaign for the importance of a good mental health for all people of various nations, ages, generations, races and sexs. seek out mental help and various suicide prevention hotlines. We recommend various suicide awareness campaigns to help reduce the stigma aroun seeking help.

Folashade Ashade